Dust Thou Art to Dust Returnest Was Not Spoken of the Soul

Shafeeq R. Mahajir

The line "Dust thou art, to grit returnest" is taken from a verse form by Henry Longfellow,("Life is real! Life is hostage! And the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul.")based on a line from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 3:xx. It supposedly signifies the futility of human life, telling united states God created Adam from grit, and whatever we do volition be in vain, as one day we volition all return to dust. The futility of endeavour is a topic discussed past various poets such as Shelley who, similar Longfellow, believed that whatever nosotros do, nothing will remain and it will all, regardless, be futile. Futility, the question "what is the point of information technology all?", are threads that run through the fabric of verse of that genre.  Then at that place is a dissimilarity: we had William Ernest Henley declaring grandly in Invictus, "In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud.  Under the bludgeonings of chance, My caput is bloody, but unbowed."That is the spirit of all awakenings, of all freedom struggles, of all endeavor directed at emancipation, at raising the human condition from servility to evolutionary achievement, of realisation of man's potential, to the level of the Tagorean dawn into which he wanted his country to awaken.

They say that buildings of onetime periods reveal from the heights of their ceilings and their ornate architecture and embellishments the lofty thinking and ideals and the breadth of vision of people of that period. Exposed to the philosophy of idealists and great thinkers of the by, their own thinking and mental constructs brandish the capacity to think in a visionary style in order to build what would exist lauded and revered for generations to come. This applies not just to architecture and monumental buildings simply also to the abstracts that were synthetic in the mind leading to phenomenal legislation that governed the conduct of people in the civilized world beyond nations and delved into circuitous legal theory illustrated past the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, Roman constabulary and the laws that came to exist passed following the Renaissance. The willingness to be open and receptive to new ideas enabled slap-up progress to exist made in science and applied science roofing diverse fields such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, physics, pharmacology, and more than.

And then flesh in certain territorial jurisdictions (I will not say which for obvious reasons because these are sensitive times) began to regress and we establish that societies were no longer open or willing to allow even expression of thought which disagreed with any they wanted to concord either every bit true or as sacrosanct. Institutions of science naturally began to wither and die. Those who expressed views at variance with ones held by predominant masses who had the ear of the powers that be, establish themselves persecuted and sometimes incarcerated.

MS Education Academy

The residue of the world meanwhile continued to progress. As in the case of science and technology, the capacity to legislate in a farsighted mode to more than justly govern the people who had elected them to power was more and more than manifested in emerging situations that plant themselves addressed by Parliaments and Assemblies.

2021 saw today in a paper the written report that the honourable Supreme Court had said that criminal cases against lawmakers, i.e., legislators and parliamentarians, should not be immune to be withdrawn by state governments unless the High Court of the concerned state gave its consent.

Skilful enough on the face of it only when nosotros consider that considerable input that leads to the engagement of judges to the High Court of a country is input provided past the Country regime it becomes clear that the element of aquid pro quo cannot be completely eliminated. Is the citizen now to conclude that the despair of "Dust thou art, to dust returnest" is the arroyo that should be justified since those in ability can in given situations brazenly violate the police and their fellow legislators and parliamentarians will suggest to the enforcement wings of their own regime under their ain control that criminal cases registered on account of those actions violative of law should be withdrawn derogative of and negating the rights of the victims… and those who are charged with the duty of determining whether or not such withdrawal should or should not be consented to will be the very people who have been placed as adjudicators by the very people over whose actions they are indirectly to sit down in judgement… and since the withdrawal would reflect on their culpability or otherwise, the situation would be effectively enabling a person to sit in judgement over himself through those he has himself appointed… if y'all don't know what I don't hateful…?

Does futility come up to mind, or exercise we presume that those who are charged with violating the law will ensure people in positions of authority over themselves will be those over whom they would take no means of effective control… taking it for granted that the age of people with visionary thinking, the age of miracles, is not yet over?!

Or are we to hope that the spirit that moved the framers of our Constitution drew on the best practices and the all-time legislative examples prevailing in the world so, still lives on, and nosotros lean towards Henley's grand "…Under the bludgeonings of chance, My head is bloody, but unbowed,"muster up avergegenwärtigung of the spirit of all freedom struggles, raising the political condition from abject servility to grand evolutionary accomplishment, aim to realise citizen potential to the level of Tagore'southward dream?  Could the Supreme Court in its wisdom take said that similar the body that is created to oversee matters in ombudsman style, an independent autonomous trunk shall be created comprised of stakeholders in ensuring the rule of law prevails and that that body shall decide whether such withdrawal should or should not be permitted… and if such attempted withdrawal is constitute to bemala fide or an attempt to enable an offender to escape the consequences of his or her activity, the costs of the exercise of that evaluation as well as the cost of the unabridged trial to be conducted in that affair shall be recoverable from the offender in question and all those who recommended such withdrawal, till which fourth dimension all assets of the said individuals and their immediate family members acquired later on each respectively came to power shall stand charged under a beginning statutory charge?  Assuming that the Supreme Court would take done this could it also have ensured that since the people who suffer from violation of the law past the rich and powerful are the weakest unrepresented sections of society and incorporate the most marginalised of all communities, the limerick of such contained autonomous bodies shall be predominantly representative of people from these adversely affected segments of society?

Equally Martin Luther King did, citizens have a dream. Whether people in power elected by the citizens share that dream, remains to be seen. And if they dream that dream and then their pronouncements and orders will reverberate that and their wisdom stand demonstrated through those pronouncements and orders.  And if they don't? Well, if they don't and then the denizen goes from dream mode to nightmare manner, the nation wallows in a spirit of disbelief in any Tagorean dream, smug in its conviction of the futility of all effort, continues to see all initiative die, remains brackish, watches the world march on.

I wrote in 1979 (titled "India Today" published in Baronial 15th 1979 issue of New Delhi edited by Khushwant Singh) "The denizen heard, and went his mode, His grim middle full of tears: But his head was loftier, his hand was house, His the wisdom of painful years. // His paw was firm, he bandage his vote, And acquired the gods to flee in fright. The grit of the years he kneaded to clay, And fashioned from it a source of calorie-free. // The night was driven, the land knew promise, And the dawn came fresh and gray. Understand, O people.  Awake ! Awake ! The time is at paw, the fourth dimension is today !"

This August 15th, let us hope there will be introspection in Parliamentary, Legislative and Judicial circles, and that from that introspection, thatvergegenwärtigung, that rededication to the spirit of all freedom struggles, to raising of the political status from abject servility to grand evolutionary achievement, is realised citizen potential and is attained Tagore's dream: the VishwGuru.

If not,while ordinary citizens experience existences of futility from grit to grit, satanic and anti-Constitutional forces volition rise from grit to gozabardust.

Jai Hind

Shafeeq R. Mahajir is a well-known lawyer based in Hyderabad


Source: https://www.siasat.com/dust-to-zabardust-2177929/

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